Transaction, In R/3 system is an operation that lets the user to make necessary changes to the database in a consistent way. The entries R/3 system is nothing but set of business transactions. The data transfer from old system to SAP R/3 database or modifying data or deleting data is done through transaction only. For SAP system, Transaction is nothing but sequence of steps called as dialog steps and for user it is sequence of screens which appears one after the other to accept the data which is to be created in the database. The transaction contains two steps which are as following: 1. Interactive phase in this step user enters the data on to the screen, which needs to be inserted, deleted and modified. These can be single screen or multiple screens depending upon the transaction. So this step can consist of single step or multiple steps. In this phase you prepare database record. 2. Update phase This phase processes the database record and updates the database tables....